Dave L. - Funnel Coach for Clickfunnels' 
2CCX Program 
Purchased Conversion Domination MASTERCLASS

Then click YES below so we can show you how (and more.)

Then click YES so we can show you how (and more.)

Are you ready to effectively serve your clients, or yourself?

Are you ready to make a huge impact with a small budget?

Are you ready for a testing system?

 Belly Dance For Beginners!

Say good bye to body tightness and hello to ooey gooey flexibility!

See your body confidence increase
while you have fun letting your dancer out.

Every Monday - Live Online Belly Dance Classes via Zoom.

Get 90% Off Now →

Buy this course and start getting results in just 2 weeks.

Check out what's included:

  • Downloadable step by step guide on how to start and what to do

  • Suggestions on how much time to dedicate to get results

  • Pictures to demonstrate technique

  • 12 downloadable videos demonstrating movements and variations

  • Captions with videos 

  • Ability to use your own playlist with the belly dance moves

  • Login to your course and view your videos and guide easily and in one location

  • List of resources on music options and artists to use 

  • Mindset and applicable tips behind setting yourself up for success

I was able to learn how to get out there and test -- so MINDBLOWINGLY inexpensively. I literally got results and saved hundreds of dollars in the first 24 hours before the event was even over.


A clear step-by-step path to getting your core engaged.

No more wasting time.

Start seeing your belly tone.

Without simple, clear, and easy to do steps, you'll continue searching the internet for a program, wasting time you don't have, and having decision fatigue...leaving it up to chance that you'll get started and see results.

Instead, get results in just 1-2 weeks with one simple belly dance movement from my program

This will give you ... confidence, focus, and the skills you need to get ongoing results.

Using one simple belly dance movement intentionally is by far the most impactful step in my program.  This has created results for my students who wanted to tone their belly.

I can actually feel the workout in my stomach too!




You can have all of this.

It's possible.

Here's how I'm going to help you get there...

Learn Belly Dancing

At your own pace.
In a nonjudgemental environment.

With a sisterhood of dancers
who care about you.

  Video Key Points  

Key Point 1. 
How to ...  (0:43)
Key Point 2.
Discover how to ... (2:24)
Key Point 3. 
How _______ ________ . (3:20)
Key Point 5. 
Find out how to ... (6:45)
Key Point 4.
Discover the surprising reason . (4:15)
Get Conversion Domination LIVE →

Everyone says you can tone your belly, but no one tells you how to do it or what to do easily.

Nothing is more exhausting than searching for ways to tone your stomach.

But if you are just browsing social media, I call this getting stuck.

And it is probably costing you a lot of time and energy.

What if I told you that you might be only minutes away from shifting your core the way you always dreamed of?

Karina was able to tone her stomach
and her legs. You can too.


What a great exercise!!  Thanks so much for the short technique videos!


Get it all for only $4.56

I have packed in exclusive content, curriculum, and all of it to be downloadable and completely yours and could easily charge $228, but you can ...

INSTANT Access to Everything You Need to Get Started

Downloadable Program for You to Keep Forever

Picture and Video Examples and Variations

Step-by-step Instructions to Start and Use the Program

My Secret Sauce for Repeatable Growth & Results

$228 Total Value

Start Toning Now! →

Are you ready for a testing system?

Are you ready to make a huge impact with a small budget?

Are you ready to effectively serve your clients, or yourself?


You guys are the real deal! I did not attend a single event class because of the time zones here. But your Color Block Test [aka - course material] was well worth the price of admission.

 Dave L. - Funnel Coach for Clickfunnels' 
2CCX Program 
Purchased Conversion Domination MASTERCLASS


Start Testing Now! →

Get Your 
"Like the Big Dogs" 
Bundle TODAY

Your copy doesn't have to be perfect.

You will test it out.

Say yes, and believe in yourself.

Start Testing Now! →


INSTANT Access to
Everything You Need to
Get Started

Downloadable Program
for You to Keep

Picture and Video
Examples and

Instructions to Start
and Use the Program

My Secret Sauce for
Repeatable Growth &

$228 Total Value

  • $47 Value


    $67 Value

    $67 Value

    $47 Value

    $67 Value

Start Toning Now! →

✅ INSTANT access to Unlimited Classes! Dance as much as you want, anytime you want!  Enjoy belly dance everyday.

-3 Live Classes via Zoom every week! Replays included!

-100+ On-Demand Belly dance classes!

-Learn from Samantha and other professional instructors in the belly dance industry!

Good to know! Most of my students do not attend the weekly live classes and still learn to belly dance!
My On-Demand/Pre-Recorded belly dance program covers everything you need to learn belly dance.  
That's how detailed, thorough, and easy-to-follow the program is!

✅ Step-by-step instructions to start and use your belly dance classes.

✅ Weekly Motivation from Samantha - Get focused actions to increase your belly dance, joy, and confidence!

✅ Exclusive Facebook group - connect with other dancers and have additional support

✅ Bonus courses on how to schedule belly dance into your day, belly dance cardio, stretches, and more.

✅ Annual Member Weekend! Workshops, Live Show, Connect with other belly dance students

✅ 365 Days of Dance! Program - Coming soon!

I achieved 53% sales page conversions and a 32% checkout completion in a saturated market! Mint CRO gave me an efficient testing methodology which I never had before. 



Anyone who attends our event LOVES our Live Data Reviews.

When you join our live event and get your data reviewed by one of our highly trained coaches, or watch another entrepreneur get their data reviewed, you are one step closer to Growing Like the Big Dogs.

The copywriting and data sessions were so honest and invaluable! Most people on a live call will sugar coat and not give the best feedback but the honesty was refreshing and helpful for all.

— Noomi S., Entrepreneur



Joining Mint CRO’s Live Coaching Program was a game-changer for me. Their live coaching helped me to increase my conversion rate from 8% to 40% in only 3 weeks.





We say this all of the time to our clients, “Your copy doesn't have to be perfect. You will test it out. Say yes, and believe in yourself.”

What should I write? Am I connecting with my right audience? Witness a copywriting hot seat and you’ll never be stuck creating content again.

More hot seats... Those are amazing
and I love the repetition of live examples in different industries.

— Trevor D., Financial Advisor

We had our best product drop - we sold 40% in day 1 and completely sold out of stock in 7 days - which is bad for our marketing because we had to pause all our ad campaigns!



We fully funded our Kickstarter in 17 Minutes - and ultimately raised nearly $1 Million! - (during COVID) 






Even the Gurus are Using Mint's Methodology...

Tone Your Belly and Move Your Body

Testimonial video

Testimonial video

Totally worth it.


$47 Value


$67 Value

$67 Value

$47 Value

$67 Value

$47 Value


$67 Value


$67 Value


$47 Value


$67 Value


Get your course now! →

Hi, there! I'm Samantha!

I get it.

Sometimes you struggle to move your body.

Rolling out of bed. Getting out of the car. Sitting at work all day...

The tightness in your hips and stiff body are a reminder that you should stretch and more more but still don't have the time to do it.

And of course, thinking how you need to to do more only adds more stress to your day...and that sucks.

I know how it feels to have body goals and to have a hard time going after them because of being busyhaving obligations, and not knowing exactly where to start.

I’m a 40-year old business owner and the primary caregiver of my children.
I had to accommodate my changing body during and after both pregnancies.

I gained waaaay more weight during pregnancy than planned, which meant a lot more weight for me to lose after giving birth…I didn’t feel pretty at all.

I didn’t feel like I had the time to figure out how to fix my body and feel better about myself without adding more to my plate.

I know you know what it means to be super busy. You’re busy literally every minute of the day.

You know you gotta do something about your body and the stress but how are you going to find the time to do anything?
You look at your belly and think…ugh.

Eventually, the impact of how you feel in and about your body and weighs on you.

Sluggish, sloth-like movement that makes you feel older than you are.
Increased stress, burn out.
No way to move your body that fits your schedule, is fun and actually works.
Sometimes, you don’t even want to look in the mirror.

I struggled for years with those things too.

And when you’re used to not moving or feeling stiff, moving your body feels awkward.

Like when your leg falls asleep and you try to walk afterwards. 🤣

How can it not affect you mentally?

You tell yourself you’re lazy.
That you’ll never be pretty or graceful like ‘her’.
You think you’ll have a big belly forever.
Your stress level is making you nuts.

Damn, that is mentally exhausting to carry around all. damn. day. ❤️

I know how it feels to have body goals and to have a hard time going after them because of being busy, having obligations, and not knowing exactly where to start.

I’m a 40-year old business owner and the primary caregiver of my children.
I had to accommodate my changing body during and after both pregnancies.

I gained waaaay more weight during pregnancy than planned, which meant a lot more weight for me to lose after giving birth…I didn’t feel pretty at all.

I didn’t feel like I had the time to figure out how to fix my body and feel better about myself without adding more to my plate.

I know you know what it means to be super busy. You’re busy literally every minute of the day.

You know you gotta do something about your body and the stress but how are you going to find the time to do anything?
You look at your belly and think…ugh.

Eventually, the impact of how you feel in and about your body and weighs on you.

Sluggish, sloth-like movement that makes you feel older than you are.
Increased stress, burn out.
No way to move your body that fits your schedule, is fun and actually works.
Sometimes, you don’t even want to look in the mirror.

I struggled for years with those things too.

And when you’re used to not moving or feeling stiff, moving your body feels awkward.

Like when your leg falls asleep and you try to walk afterwards. 🤣

How can it not affect you mentally?

You tell yourself you’re lazy.
That you’ll never be pretty or graceful like ‘her’.
You think you’ll have a big belly forever.
Your stress level is making you nuts.

Damn, that is mentally exhausting to carry around all. damn. day. ❤️

Details about your classes!

No experience necessary! These classes are designed for beginners. :)

Can't attend class live? No problem! Live zoom class recordings included!

✔ Come with an open-mind and ready to move.  Learning belly dance is fun so let's keep it light-hearted!

Ask me anything! I'm here to teach you and help you learn belly dance!

You will learn technique, how to dance at home with what you've learned in class, and how to enjoy belly                dancing without the pressure of getting it all right!

✔ Access to previous beginning class recordings

How to be more comfortable with hip movement

Increased flexibility and loosening in your hip

Build your confidence in your body and your movement.

Okay, friends! Here’s how it works.

There are 3 main ways to use your membership with me:

1 - Take only the weekly live online classes.

2 - Do the fully recorded program with tutorials

3 - Hybrid - both live and recorded

Membership is $64.99/month for all of it.

Keep reading to see what's included. ;)



Start today and see your body positively change

I get it.

Sometimes you struggle to move your body.

Rolling out of bed. Getting out of the car. Sitting at work all day...

The tightness in your hips and stiff body are a reminder that you should stretch and more more but still don't have the time to do it.

And of course, theinking how you need to to do more only adds more stress to your day...and that sucks.

Hi, there!

I'm Samantha!


Students reveal why they take class with me:

"Belly Dance Classes have helped me tone my leg and stomach muscles."
-Karina - Belly Dance Student

"Learning this dance really helped me learn how to love my body."
-Heather - Belly Dance Student

"If I am feeling down or depressed, Samantha’s personality and dedication to the dance can change my outlook considerably."
-Ann - Belly Dance Student

"I always learn something I didn't realize I was missing."
-Shaliney - Belly Dance Student

"I learned not to judge myself too harshly."
-Erica - Belly Dance Student

 "I highly recommend taking classes from her."
-Lauren - Belly Dance Student and Teacher

See what's included in your membership!See what's included in your membership!

Online Belly Dance Membership


Sign up for classes and you'll get...

 Fun, Easy technique and combinations        for beginners that ANYONE can do.

✔ Grace and fluidity in your body.

✔ A community of supportive women

✔ Loose hips and more energy!

✔ Exercise that doesn't feel like exercise!

7-day FREE Trial

 Hey, there! So great to meet you!

I'm Samantha Karim, your belly dance (raqs sharqi) instructor!

I've been teaching belly dance for over 18 years and in that time,
I've mastered teaching people who "don't dance" on how to belly dance!

I've won multiple belly dance awards and have been featured on TV...
but my most important work has been helping women get comfortable dancing
and building their body confidence!

No matter where you are when we start dancing together,
I will help you reach your personal goals.

I believe in you and I can't wait to belly dance with you! Yalla Bina!

Hey, there!
So great to meet you!

Click here for FAQ's!

Sign up now to belly dance your way to a happier you.

Classes are only $64.99/month to join.  First week is free.

Also Included When You Sign Up For Beginning Belly Dance!

ACCESS to ALL Membership Benefits!

INSTANT access to Unlimited Classes! 

Live Classes via Zoom every week! Replays included!

Beginning - Mondays - 600pm AZ time/900pm EST

Int/Adv - Tuesdays - 600pm AZ time/900pm EST

All Levels - Thursdays - 600pm AZ time/900pm EST

100+ On-Demand Belly dance classes!

Learn from Samantha and other professional instructors in the belly dance industry!

Good to know! Most of my students do not attend the weekly live classes and still learn to belly dance!
My On-Demand/Pre-Recorded belly dance program covers everything you need to learn belly dance.  
That's how detailed, thorough, and easy-to-follow the program is!

✔ Step-by-step instructions to start and use your belly dance classes.

Weekly Motivation from Samantha - Get focused actions to increase your belly dance, joy, and confidence!

Exclusive Facebook group - connect with other dancers and have additional support

✔ Bonus courses on how to tone your belly, belly dance cardio, stretches, and more.

Annual Member Weekend! Workshops, Live Show, Connect with other belly dance students - November 8, 9, and 10, 2024

365 Days of Dance! Program - Daily prompts to keep your goals top of mind!

Click here and start having more fun in your life with belly dance

ACCESS to ALL Membership Benefits!

INSTANT access to Unlimited Classes! 

Live Classes via Zoom every week! Replays included!

Beginning - Mondays - 600pm AZ time/900pm EST

Int/Adv - Tuesdays - 600pm AZ time/900pm EST

All Levels - Thursdays - 600pm AZ time/900pm EST

100+ On-Demand Belly dance classes!

Learn from Samantha and other professional instructors in the belly dance industry!

Good to know! Most of my students do not attend the weekly live classes and still learn to belly dance!
My On-Demand/Pre-Recorded belly dance program covers everything you need to learn belly dance.  
That's how detailed, thorough, and easy-to-follow the program is!

✔ Step-by-step instructions to start and use your belly dance classes.

Weekly Motivation from Samantha - Get focused actions to increase your belly dance, joy, and confidence!

Exclusive Facebook group - connect with other dancers and have additional support

✔ Bonus courses on how to tone your belly, belly dance cardio, stretches, and more.

Annual Member Weekend! Workshops, Live Show, Connect with other belly dance students - November 8, 9, and 10, 2024

365 Days of Dance! Program - Daily prompts to keep your goals top of mind!

Join for only $64.99/month.  First 7-days are free.

Join for only $64.99/month.  First 7-days are free.


👉🏼 I'm 55+ years old...can I actually learn belly dancing?

YES! No matter your age, the way I teach my classes accommodates your body's needs.
Back pain?  No problem.
Bad posture? You can still belly dance with that.
Even if you feel like you are stiff or tight, you will be able to loosen your joints and body for increased mobility.

👉🏼 I don't have the "right" body type or shape to belly dance.  Can I            still join?

There is no "right" body type or shape.  ANY body, ANY shape, ANY size is welcome in my classes.  You will never be body-shamed or made to feel less than in my classes.  Your body is all that you need to learn.  Come as you are.  We love you!

👉🏼 What happens after registration

-Once you sign up for class, you also have immediate access to all the membership benefits
-You'll get a welcome email including your Zoom link for Monday's class, other important links and the invitation to join our Facebook group.
-You'll be logged in instantly to your pre-recorded classes (patrt of your membership

benefits) so you can start dancing right now!
-You have 24/7 access to your belly dance classes in your membership portal! Dance as much as you want, any time you want.

-You're instantly part of our warm and fun belly dance community!

👉🏼 I want to feel connected with other dancers. Community is huge for me. Will I still        get that feeling by doing online classes?

Is it different to do online classes? Absolutely.
But that doesn't mean you aren't connected to a community. 

We log on before class to catch up with each other.
We know about each other's lives.
We offer each other support and celebration.
We have our Annual Member Event where we all connect in-person.
Our Facebook page is a place we connect, make jokes, share music, and more.
Community is built into the framework of how I run my program. You won't be alone. ❤️

👉🏼 How long do I have to view the recording?

As long as you are an active member, you have access to recordings. If you only join for a month, you have full access for your entire month.

👉🏼 What if I can't make the live class...will I still be able to learn belly dance from your        videos?

Absolutely.  Many of my students do not attend my live classes and they are learning what they need from my recorded classes.  You are also welcome to message me any time with questions about your movement and anything you may be stuck on.

👉🏼 What if I can't make the live class but want to view the recording?

Signing up gives you access to your personalized membership portal.  Just login and review your class.

👉🏼 I just want one or two classes. Why do you only have a membership?

I can't support you with a "hit it and quit it" relationship.  You want to feel great in your body, have more body confidence, and a ton of fun dancing...that doesn't happen overnight.
For you to be successful in reaching your personal goals, a longer-term support system is necessary.
And I'm here to help you have the best life possible.
Membership ensures you have ongoing support, encouragement, community, and a safe space to vent, be yourself, and not be judged for who you are. ❤️

👉🏼 Does signing up for classes mean also signing up for membership?

Yes, membership is the only way to join classes. If you are only interested in one month, you can pause/cancel your membership at any time and will no longer be charged.

👉🏼 Can the membership be cancelled at any time?

Yes, pause/cancel at any time, there is no contract.

👉🏼 Am I billed automatically each month?

Yes, signing up for classes/membership is a recurring monthly charge. You are automatically charged each month for this membership.  You can cancel at any time if you only want to take a month of classes.

👉🏼 I don't think I have enough space to dance in my home.  How much room do I need?

You can dance from your living room, your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen.

If you have a space that is at least 5' x 5', you can take class with me.

I help you accommodate movement to fit your space.


*NEW STUDENTS -Please check "Subscribe to our email list" before completing purchase. Exclusive information is sent to you as part of your membership and we don't want you to miss out on vital information.

Credit Card information is collected for membership payment once 7-Day trial ends.  You can cancel before credit card is charged by emailing ContactSamantha@gmail.com to cancel. Allow 24 hour notice in order to avoid charges.

7-Day Trial is free. Once 7-Day Trial expires, credit card will be charged for membership.

Recurring monthly charge. You are automatically billed each month for this membership.

Cancel at any time.

Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.

By submitting payment, you agree to the Terms and Conditions.

"Personal connection means as much to me as the class does.
I am comfortable with all the ladies in my class and am encouraged just by seeing them and dancing
with them."

- Edna, Belly Dance Student

"I can stay and enjoy moving without being overwhelmed by my thoughts and emotions,
and I am also improving
in my ability to keep moving and seeing my body while feeling uncomfortable, and am making friends with my belly.

A few cookies more or less doesn’t ruin the way I look while belly dancing."

- Katie, Belly Dance Student

 Belly Dance
For Beginners!

Say good bye to body tightness and hello to ooey gooey flexibility!

See your body confidence increase
while you have fun letting your dancer out.

Every Monday - Live Online Belly Dance Classes via Zoom.

 I'm Samantha Karim, your belly dance
(raqs sharqi) instructor!

I've been teaching belly dance for over 18 years and in that time,
I've mastered teaching people who "don't dance" on how to belly dance!

I've won multiple belly dance awards and have been featured on TV...
but my most important work has been helping women get comfortable dancing
and building their body confidence!

No matter where you are when we start dancing together,
I will help you reach your personal goals.

I believe in you and I can't wait to belly dance with you! Yalla Bina!

Students reveal why they take class with me:

"Belly Dance Classes have helped me tone my leg and stomach muscles."
-Karina - Belly Dance Student

"Learning this dance really helped me learn how to love my body."
-Heather - Belly Dance Student

"If I am feeling down or depressed, Samantha’s personality and dedication to the dance can change my outlook considerably."
-Ann - Belly Dance Student

"I always learn something I didn't realize I was missing."
-Shaliney - Belly Dance Student

"I learned not to judge myself too harshly."
-Erica - Belly Dance Student

 "I highly recommend taking classes from her."
-Lauren - Belly Dance Student and Teacher

Click  here for FAQ's!

Details about your classes!

 ✔ No experience necessary! These        classes are designed for                    beginners. :)

 ✔ Can't attend class live? No                  problem! Live zoom class                    recordings included!

 ✔ Come with an open-mind and             ready to move.  Learning belly           dance is fun so let's keep it light-       hearted!

 ✔ Ask me anything! I'm here to               teach you and help you learn belly     dance!

 ✔ You will learn technique, how to         dance at home with what you've         learned in class, and how to enjoy     belly dancing without the                     pressure of getting it all right!

 ✔ Access to previous beginning            class recordings

 ✔ How to be more comfortable with       hip movement

 ✔ Increased flexibility and loosening     in your hip

 ✔ Build your confidence in your             body and your movement.

👉🏼 I want to feel connected with other dancers. Community is huge            for me. Will I still get that feeling by doing online classes?

Is it different to do online classes? Absolutely.
But that doesn't mean you aren't connected to a community. 

We log on before class to catch up with each other.
We know about each other's lives.
We offer each other support and celebration.
We have our Annual Member Event where we all connect in-person.
Our Facebook page is a place we connect, make jokes, share music, and more.
Community is built into the framework of how I run my program. You won't be alone. ❤️

👉🏼 I don't think I have enough space to dance in my home.  How                 much room do I need?

You can dance from your living room, your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen.

If you have a space that is at least 5' x 5', you can take class with me.

I help you accommodate movement to fit your space.

👉🏼 How long do I have to view the recording?

As long as you are an active member, you have access to recordings. If you only join for a month, you have full access for your entire month.

👉🏼 What if I can't make the live class...will I still be able to learn belly          dance from your videos?

Absolutely.  Many of my students do not attend my live classes and they are learning what they need from my recorded classes.  You are also welcome to message me any time with questions about your movement and anything you may be stuck on.

👉🏼 What if I can't make the live class but want to view the recording?

Signing up gives you access to your personalized membership portal.  Just login and review your class.

👉🏼 I just want one or two classes. Why do you only have a                          membership?

I can't support you with a "hit it and quit it" relationship.  You want to feel great in your body, have more body confidence, and a ton of fun dancing...that doesn't happen overnight.
For you to be successful in reaching your personal goals, a longer-term support system is necessary.
And I'm here to help you have the best life possible.
Membership ensures you have ongoing support, encouragement, community, and a safe space to vent, be yourself, and not be judged for who you are. ❤️

👉🏼 Does signing up for classes mean also signing up for                              membership?

Yes, membership is the only way to join classes. If you are only interested in one month, you can pause/cancel your membership at any time and will no longer be charged.

👉🏼 Can the membership be cancelled at any time?

Yes, pause/cancel at any time, there is no contract.

👉🏼 Am I billed automatically each month?

Yes, signing up for classes/membership is a recurring monthly charge. You are automatically charged each month for this membership.  You can cancel at any time if you only want to take a month of classes.

Also Included When You Sign Up For Beginning
Belly Dance!